SQUIRRELS are my most favorite animal in the world. Which honestly, is a somewhat new developement. I hadn't really had a favorite animal since I was a kid and was into zebras.
In 2020 I became hyperfocused on my yard squirrels, and squirrel ~celebrities~. They slowly have turned into my absolute favorite animal ever. I mean, just LOOK at a squirrel. Any of them. Literally so cute. They are good little friends and really need more love than they get. Sure, maybe they sleep in the walls and eat your wires. But when you have a bunch of babies sitting outside your window, right on their little squirrel butts, it really isn't ALL that bad.
This page is absolutely under construction, and will continue to grow. I will be adding some personal squirrel photos, my squirrel collection in real life, and random squirrel things I find around the internet that I think need to be here.
Fun links and Resources~
My real life collection (coming soon)
Squirrel Wiki Page
r/Squirrels (great resource if you find a baby, etc)
Squirrels around the world
Here are some facts about squirrels:
Jumping: Squirrels can jump up to 20 feet, which is 10 times their body length.
Vision: Squirrels have superb vision.
Hind legs: Squirrels have double-jointed hind legs that allow them to run up trees quickly. They can also rotate their hind feet 180 degrees, which helps them reach bird feeders.
Feet: Squirrels have four toes on their feet that are very sharp and help them grip tree bark.
Communication: Squirrels communicate using vocal calls and scent marking.
Learning: Squirrels learn by quickly copying other animals.
Nests: Squirrels build nests called drey.
Diversity: There are more than 270 species of squirrels across the globe, making the squirrel family one of the most diverse among modern mammals.
Birth: Baby squirrels are born blind and deaf, and are only about 2.5 centimeters long. They rely on their sense of smell and touch to find their way around and communicate with their mother. It takes about four to six weeks for their eyes and ears to develop fully.